Thursday, September 25, 2008

A day just not for work..

Raya is approaching... I am already in the holiday mood coming to work this week.
No mood to look at work at all. I think I have been working too hard in this office, this particular division of the department, when compared with other parts of the department. *sigh* when are all these gonna end.

I'll be sitting for Module 3 of Certificate in Islamic Law class this Saturday. Kinda look forward to that actually. But the mood to study as for now, not really there. Been reading translation of surah An-Nur since morning, with some interruptions here and there...amazed by the beauty of the Qur'an. Eversince I took up CIL, it opens my perspective about my own religion. Amazing, yet still full of questions to further understand it.

Terlalu besar and menyeluruhnya Islam itu... Kurniakan hidayah-Mu, ya Tuhan, untuk aku mendalami ilmu dari-Mu ini.

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