Thursday, May 28, 2009

The only thing constant is Change...

Alhamdulillah... alhamdulillah... alhamdulillah.. God the Most Merciful.
Tuesday 26 May marked the day of something that I had hoped for for a long long time came on .. wonderfully soothing for my hearing. As I was cleaning up in Mak's kitchen, I overheard Mak, Abah and my beloved - their conversations...

After 9 years of marrying the person that I have chosen to be my life partner... all those thrills, feelings of fear, distress and those tears that had been pouring until there were none.. God the Most Merciful, had shown the light to changes in 2003... Ultimately, this day that it answered my never-ending prayer to obtain 'full acceptance' to everyone else... It is hard to pour out historical story... let it resides within my personal book of memory.. as I will always pray for the great being of everybody.

Monday, May 25, 2009

It has been a year past...

20th May... A year ago, by the works of God, a wonderful of His artwork emerged into the light of the earth. Aqil Mustaqim was born giving me full excitement of receiving him as the first boy of my own. The little SunShine of my life.

A week before his 1st birthday, Aqil started to creep for the first time. I saw he made three small steps before he got into sitting position again. He was exploring. He is still exploring how to creep properly and the speed had increased this far. Though he is quite behind in his development, he did make it anyhow. I'm proud of his development this far.

My only worry now is that Aqil is not talking as much.. of rather babbling that much. He has been a very quiet baby. Be babbled whenever he feels like it, but it is very rare..also I only meet him at night during week days..

I wish I could do more for Aqil. I wish to be by his side all the time. I wish that I could encourage him and help him more for his development.Allah, give me patience and never have give-ups in me.. I'll give up my own life for the success of all my children.