I noticed, at times I am very emotion-less. But when I have the element of emotion to anything that I do, anything that I encounter, anything that I experience...mixed reactions that I would portray, which depends on my way of thinking at that very spot.
Why am I at the topic of EMOTION today?
Well, I am touched after reading a long-lost friend's blog on how happy she was after a surprised baby shower secretly organised for her. Gosh I was really excited reading the related stories on that event. But then, I became very emotional - very sad when I thought, just recently I revealed about me following all her updates secretly and asking for how she was doing... but no respond at all. I wonder why?
How the friendship had gone astray, was all because of me. I take advantage of her.
As far as I have lived, I have done this twice... or may be three times.
I lost or... in one of the case.. partly lost the beautiful ties of friendship.
I dunno why do I do this to the persons that I got emotionally attached with. I know I love that person, but I do things unexpectedly to loose them.
There was this one day, I was thinking - can I not cry and be dreadful if I have to loose someone I love. Then, I thought.. all that have to do with the 'emotional attachment'!! Then, it came cross my mind.. can I not have emotion attached to anyone??.. Then I thought about my children.. How I was almost outta my mind and hysterical when I saw Adriana turned blue.
The answer is -- 'Feelings' are the gift of the Al-Mighty Allah.
People come and go in our lives.Some left us with beautiful.. irreplaceable memories that will never die and will remain in our hearts and minds as wonderful as ever. Some left us painfully, that the thoughts about them just bring back sadness, griefs and repeated heartbreaks... and there are some who left us unnoticeable. Everyone has a 'pre-determined' way of leaving.
My prayer. Dear God, please give me the strength in facing all those are to come in my path. Give me the courage to go through everything that I would be facing in my life.-Ameen-