Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My children development

As at to-date, Aqil dah tumbuh dua batang gigi.. satu kat rahang bawah and satu lagi rahang atas (gigi arnab dia tu). So comel; especially when he started giving his usual grin tu...

Adleena... ngadu asyik sakit kaki sakit tangan... We went to Klinik Segara and the doctor said those are normal for children her age. The doctor gave panadol syrup asked us to give when she complaint sakit. Then, after browsing the web, I found out... those kind of pain she experienced is called 'growing pains'. Growing pains is normal for children between the age 5-10 years to experience coz those are the times they experience rapid growth.
Also, Adleena, gigi kekal dia dah tumbuh without the gigi susu jatuh lagi..
Sekarang, gigi susu dah mula goyah. Hope that it will luruh on its own, kalau tak kena jugak bawak dia ke dentist balik... Aduh, mencabarnya menjadi ibu ni.

Adriana... sakit perut malam malam dia dah tak ada pulak lagi.
At one time.. memang kesian.. every night dia kembung and sakit perut. Doc said nothing.. Doc said she only wants attention. Well, I searched the web also.. from the web, it said - it is for some unknown reason for such abdominal pain experienced by children especially at night. But the pain is real. I can see that it was real coz she would cry to sleep with the tummy sakit. So kesian...To say she is colicky, not exactly...Tapi kekadang tu dengan kerasnya dia ni...naik angin jugak ibu dibuatnya.
Ya Tuhan, peliharalah Ainur Adriana ni... dan bekalkan lah semua kesabaran pada ibu ni.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

...some truth..

someone actually iterated this today...
that captured my eyes... my mind...
I was agreeable to the phrase though silence overtake my mind, thoughts and actions..

" junie... i guess..emotions, love,.. is something which can't be explained logically"
"... either you embrace it or you just hide from it..."

let me capture this statement here... before it disappears in the molecules of the air.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Mother's Love

To some, love is just a word
To me it's a feeling
A feeling I get every time I look into your eyes
A feeling I get when I realize you are my mom
A mom who loves, shares, A mom who inspires
What's that?
That's love
A mother's love, but only you would know
And me
You returned that love time and time again
Possibly too much, nevertheless you did
Thank-you for being there when I needed you most
For being my rock when I should have been yours
Thank-you for believing in me, even when I doubted myself
For being the one person I could trust
No matter what, no matter where
But most of all thank-you for being you-my mom
A mom I am so proud to claim
...I love you
Now and forever